
Seeing an alternate future for America

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Invisible Empire

Our civilization is not collapsing. Civilization was replaced a long time ago by an economy. The collapse of the economy is what we are experiencing now.

The obligation exists to allow one’s own spiritual substance to flow into the social organism. That is the awareness which our British friends should take with them, that now, in this worldwide important historic moment, in all the world’s economic institutions where English is spoken, the responsibility exists to introduce true spirituality into the exterior economic empire. It’s an either/or situation: Either efforts remain exclusively oriented towards the economy — in which case the fall of earthly civilization is the inevitable result — or spirit will be poured into this economic empire, in which case what was intended for earthly evolution will be achieved.

You will have learned during your trip that telling the truth nowadays...

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Amazonian Time

He planted a seed of resurrection in the heart of time. This seed works rhythmically and germinates cyclically, revealing in time, for each human-historical deed, the true extent of its inner Christ nature. 1

There is a cycle. A cycle of 33 years followed by an interim period of 33 years followed by another period of 33 years, and so on. Each century has three; one third each. The most well known (most well-experienced at present) is the time from 1933 to 1966. This was a time of fire. Each period is characterized by one of the four elements: earth, water, air, fire. The interim periods are characterized by a mix of the two elements that are not of the period just before or just after. The previous period fades away, and the next period starts to grow. The period we are now in, 2000 to 2033, is characterized by the element of water. The period from 1866 to 1900 is characterized by...

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